Wednesday 17 February 2016


Dear Hopeless Christian,
How are you today ?
I wish you try the first step that I explained in the last post. 
I hope you take time to remember God's help in ordinary or amazing things that happen in your life.
After doing that, the second key will usually appear in your heart, a grateful feeling. 

Now, let's grab your wrist. Find your pulses. 
 Feel it. Yes, dear Hopeless Christian. The beating pulses indicate that you are alive. The gratefulness is the pulse of your spiritual life. If you feel it beats, that means you're alive, spiritually.

Let's look at Luke 17:11-19, a Sunday School story about 10 lepers who met Jesus on the way. They screamed from a distance, asking Jesus  to have pity on them. 
Jesus told them to show themselves to the priest. 

Why ? According to Jewish law, the priest is the one who declare them well and give them permission to join the society again. 

Jesus' command is actually a step of faith, because He asked them to go to the priest before they were healed. Sure enough, on the way to the priest, they truly cleansed from their leprosy. 

9 of the lepers went to the priest right away. One turned back to Jesus. He was Samaritan. He threw himself at Jesus' feet and gave thanks.

Jesus was very touched by his gratefulness. He said," Rise and go, your faith has made you whole,"

The word whole has two meaning. It could mean that his body parts which were missing because of his leprosy grew back, thus made him whole. 

It could also mean the spiritual wholeness. As a leper he had been in seclusion for some times, that would impact his inner self. His inner self was healed and made whole by Jesus as well, not only his body. 

And that wholeness, in body or in spirit happen as a result of a grateful heart.

Have a good day dear Hopeless Christian, God bless you.

In Christ,

Ibu Berlian Bijaksana

Disclaimer :  Miss Hopeless Christian and Ibu Berlian Bijaksana are both fictional characters. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental )
This post is inspired by Andrew Wommack's book : "Discover the Keys to Staying Full of God"

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