Friday 5 February 2016

Hope for a Hopeless Christian : The First Key is Glorifying God

Dear Hopeless Christian,

How are you doing ? 
I hope you start to feel better after knowing the fact that God filled life is attainable.

First, let me remind you to look at Rome 1:21. That verse is talking about the how the godless people live.

"For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened."

We will do a reverse thinking with Rome 1:21. So, if we want to have a God-filled life, we should : glorify God, give thanks to Him, think the thoughts which God like us to have ( in other words ; progressive thinking/imagination ) and have a good heart.

Dear Hopeless Christian, I will begin with the first key : GLORIFYING GOD

When we include God in our live, when we walk with Him, and communicate with Him, we will be aware of His good work. The problem is sometimes we think His good work is just a lucky coincidence that happen randomly.

Please remember James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

His gifts and his work in us can be ordinary and spectacular. For the ordinary things, let us make an effort to magnify God. For example , I have a personal experience of how God took care of me in something as ordinary as cheese buns. 

One day in a friend's house, I ate small size cheese buns. How yummy, I thought. My friend shared some information about those buns. Where she bought them and how much they cost. I loved the buns but I thougt they were overpriced.

courtesy of:Leina Wang
After some time, I forget about the buns. So, can you imagine how I feel when I found two boxes of those delicious, small, overpriced cheese buns waiting on my dining table ? Someone gave them to me, although I didn't ask for them or mentioned that I love them. Father God, is behind the person who gave them to me. Ok, enought about the ordinary buns, now let's move to the spectaculars. 

 For the spectacular things which God did among us, let us memorize it for His glory. In Joshua 4:19-24, God asked Joshua to put twelve stones from Jordan river at Gilgal. Why? So when the younger generations asked about the stones, they will hear the information about how God dry the Jordan River and the Red Sea. The stones become the memento to memorizing God's spectacular work.

Dear Hopeless Christian, I advice you to use the first key as soon as possible. In your life, please glorify God. Magnify the His ordinary work and memorize His spectacular work. Pray that God open your eyes to make you aware of His work. Then glorify Him. 

In Christ,
Ibu Berlian Bijaksana

( Miss Hopeless Christian and Ibu Berlian Bijaksana are both fictional characters. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental )

This post is inspired by Andrew Wommack's book : "Discover the Keys to Staying Full of God"

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