Thursday 24 November 2016

Who Knew That Giving Thanks Could be So Powerful !

Happy Thanksgiving !
In this special day of feeling thankful, feasting on turkey,
gathering with others, watching parade on TV, shopping on good deals, etc
let us remember an event in the Bible,
when giving thanks to Father was leading to a big miracle !

It happened one day  that crowd were following Jesus and his disciples
They listened to His teaching untill it was very late
When dinner time came, Lord Jesus asked his disciples to feed the crowd

One of his disciples said they did not have enough money
to buy bread to feed them
Jesus didn't asked them for the things they did not have
Jesus asked them what they had

They had 5 loaves and 2 fish
Jesus asked them to group the people
Then this happened:

"Taking the 5 loaves and the 2 fish and looking up to heaven,
he gave thanks and broke up the loaves.
Then he gave them to his disciples to distribute to people.
He also divided the 2 fish among them" Mark 6:41

I hope this verse reminds me
that when I face a problem in my life,
maybe a problem with relationship, money, illness, so on and so forth
I would not become pessimistic and give up
No !

Instead I look at what I have, what's left of me
I bring what I have into God's hand
and give thanks to Him for what I have

I have faith that bringing what I have and giving thanks to Him,
will unlock the door of oppotunities, healing, reconciliation, blessing,
and so on and so forth

Happy Thanksgiving !
Let us give thanks to God

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