Tuesday 15 November 2016

Here Came The Consequences

In the cool of the day, Adam and Eve heard that God came.
They hid themselves. God, already knew what happened,
yet he still called their names and asked where they were.
Adam answered God. They hid because they were afraid and naked.

God was not surprised.
He asked Adam who had told him about the nakedness.
He asked whether they had eaten the fruit from the forbidden tree ?

Instead of confessing, Adam blamed Eve.
Instead of asking forgiveness he inderectly blamed God
on giving him a wife.

God could judge them right away.
He could have just killed them and started another creation.
But no, He kept the investigation going.
Now it was Eve's turn.
Eve kept the blaming game going.
Of course it was the snake's mistake.
The snake was silent before God, the Creator.
After all it was only an animal.
It did not have a right to communicate with God.

It's time for everyone and everthing to face the consequences.
The snake lost its feet.
The ground lost its fertility
Adam lost his freedom to work leisurely and his immortality
Eve lost her effortlessness in creating another life
The relationship between Adam's and Eve would also be flawed
Eve wanted to be dominant over Adam
But Adam would rule over Eve

God, the Creator, did not give ONLY consequences
He also give a second chance
He had a plan B for the Adam's family
There would be a fighting, an open hostility,
a war between the Snake and Eve's descendants
Eve's descendants would dominate the Snake

God also made leather clothing for Adam and Eve
He did not have a heart to let them dressed
in shabby, prickly fig leaves

Adam and Eve were sent out of Eden to work for their life
The garden of Eden was closed
But God's heart was not closed for Adam's family
He still loved them until eternity
He guided them and communicated with them
He's always be their God

Although the Adam's family made mistakes
God never made mistakes
He is always the perfect God ever.

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