Monday 14 November 2016

Here Came the Fruit

She looked at the fruit. It looked very nice and smell delicious.

Should she ask Adam about eating the fruit ? Oh no. Adam was busy chatting with the animals. Naming them one by one, probably.

Should she ask God? Oh no, would not want to disturb the All Mighty. He had hidden some facts from her anyway. Better not to offend God by asking more detailed information about His command.

What about the fruit then ? Should she eat it ? Would she die ? She already touched it, and she was still breathing.

She decided to take her chances. Life was about taking risks after all.
She closed her eyes and took a bite. She held her breath.

Was she still alive. YES ! Alive, alive, alive forever more ! She took a deep breath. Now, she could enjoy the fruit.

Fantastic taste. Sweeter than Persimmon. Tangier than lemon. Nuttier than fig. Fresher than strawberry. More fragrant than mango. More watery than watermelon. Softer than kiwi, yet crisper than Jicama. How could that be ?
This fruit perfectly blended all the opposites in nature. This fruit was wonderful. Adam must try it.

Then she called her husband.Eve showed him the fruit. She told him that she'd eaten it.

Adam was very shocked. No way. Eve would die from eating the fruit. Eve asked Adam to look at her. She was still breathing. God was hiding some facts from them. Eve handed the fruit to Adam, and asked him to take a bite.

Looking at Eve's beautiful face. Adam gave in. He wanted to please his wife.
He ate the fruit.

One second later, something peculiar happened. They felt terrible and nasty. It was as if they had been given a second pair of eyes which made them realize that they were naked. Adam and Eve were ashamed of themselves.

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