Wednesday 9 November 2016

Here Came the Snake

Here came the snake, the trickiest animal ever.
He asked if Eve could not eat 
from any trees in the garden.
Eve started a conversation with the snake.
Eve's not aware that she did not get her facts right.

She said that she should neither eat nor touch the fruit
from the tree in the middle of garden.
Otherwise she would die.

Now, the snake took its turn to correct Eve.

It said Eve would not die.
In fact the moment she ate it, she would be like God,
knowing the difference between good and evil.

After listening what the snake said,
Eve looked at the tree. A seed of doubt began to sprout in her heart.
A doubt about God's good intention.

She evaluated the tree, its value and her options.
Then she took the initiative.
She picked the forbidden fruit.

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