Monday 23 January 2017

Patterns, Patterns Everywhere...

This world is full of patterns. They are on the skin and fur of animals, surface of the earth and seas, and sky above us. We can also find patterns inside the science, languages, music and art. They are also on people’s mind and behavior.
pattern of pepper

People who love patterns wear them on the fabrics of their clothes, or even ink them on their skins. Tattoos and Henna, anyone?
Patterns are the repetition of a design. We, humans, also think in patterns.

The Bible said, “Do not conform to the patterns of this world. Instead be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve of God’s will for you. His good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Rome 12:2)

Many patterns of this world are different from God’s designs or God’s pattern. For example; God did not design cannibalism. But it happens in animal or even human behavior. God did not design sex before marriage. It is considered as normal these days. God did not design people to be workaholic. People do it to achieve their goals. God designed people to sleep and rest. Reality is people take caffeine 
to keep going like energizer bunny.

Are you aware of the patterns that you follow in your life? 
Are those patterns in agreement with God’s principles?

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