Tuesday 3 January 2017

Are You a Crowd or a Disciple?

During His ministry, Jesus had two types of followers
Disicples and crowds
Although both are loved by Him
Jesus treated them differently
Although both got many benefits from Him
Jesus' degree of closeness with them were varied
Although both were redeemed by his death
Jesus' expectancy of them were not the same
with his disciples
Jesus communicated his feeling to his disciples
He spoke plainly with them
He showed his glory and revealed their future
He told them what to do and they obeyed
They were aware of Him
teaching the crowds from a boat
With the crowds, Jesus was different
He spoke in parables
He fed them and healed them,
He taught the Scriptures and revealed some truth from the scriptures to them
Jesus knew their hearts
but He's not opening his heart to the crowds

Which type of followers are you ?
Are you a crowd ?
Are you a disciple ?

It's all depend on you
He's always waiting for you to be closer to Him
He wants you to be one of his disciples
What do you want yourself to be ?

Jeremiah 29:13
You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart

pictures taken from

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