Saturday 10 December 2016

Mission Impossible in 5 Golden Rings

On the 5th day of Christmas
my true love gave to me
5 golden rings

The meaning behind 5 golden rings is:
the 5 first books of Old Testament which are :
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy

The 5 golden rings are known as the books of the Law
because they contained the laws and instructions
given by the Lord through Moses.

By learning those 5 books
We will gain many benefits
Our knowledge will greatly increase
(You will know that Divine Design is against Darwinian )
Our focus will be sharpened
(Doing a study in the book of Numbers means you are very focused person)
Our perseverance will be built
(When you finish reading Leviticus, I believe you've been persevered)
Our time will spend wisely
(believe me, your wallet will thank you when you are spending your time reading Deuteronomy, than online shopping)

By practicing those five books
We will understand that it it a mission impossible
It's impossible to do all the regulations without breaking them
The perfection can't be reached

What should we do then ?

We should come to God and receive His mercy and grace
Because we tried to please Him but we can't
Just like the prodigal son came back to his father
asking that his father treat him like a servant

But instead his father run to, hugged and kissed him
His father asked the servants to dress him
His father organized a big welcome party

Do you like the prodigal son?

Or do you like the oldest son
who was bitter and resentful?
Always working hard and obeying his father
but claiming never even had a barbecue with his friends

Maybe he was working all the time in the field
and rarely communicating with his father
Maybe he though father valued working more than relationship

Which one do you want to be ? The Prodigal Son or the eldest ?

I want neither. I want to be in father's house. I want to work for Him because He's the good master. But I also want to communicating with Him. I want to talk with him and understanding what was in His heart. And for sure, I want to have barbecues and dinner party with my friends.

Matthew 5: 17
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets;
I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them

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