Sunday 18 December 2016

7 Swans A Swimming

On the seventh day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:
Seven Swans a Swimming
Six Geese a Laying
Five Golden Rings
Four Calling Birds
Three French Hens
Two Turtle Doves
and a Partridge in a Pear Tree

It is 7 swans a swimming. 
What is that ? 7 swans a swimming are 7 titles of Jesus, described by Paul in the book of Hebrew. Those titles decribe what Jesus did for us. I love it when people do good things for me, and our God, Lord Jesus, he did amazing things for us. Let's explore them. 

1. Heir of all things ( Hebrew 1: 2 )
Lord Jesus is the heir of all things. Lord Jesus has been given everything by God. He himself said that in Matthew 11:27, all things have been committed to me by my Father. How lucky are we to have such a distinguished friend. 

2. Captain of salvation ( Hebrew 2: 10 )
A captain is a leader. Jesus is the leader who bring people to salvation. By dying on the cross and rising from the death, Jesus is bringing people to salvation. Like a captain organizing a rescue operation, that is what Jesus did. Oh how safe we are for having such a powerful captain !

3.  Apostle (Hebrew 3:1) 
The meaning of apostle is envoy, ambassador or messanger. Jesus as a messanger gave a good news to us that he is the way to the Father, the truth and the life.  

4. Author of salvation ( Hebrew 5:9 )
Many think that goodness will lead to salvation, but at the end, our goodness are like dirty rags in God's presence. Jesus proved himself through His obedience to God, then God considered Him perfect to be an author of our salvation. Do you let him write the script of your life ? If you let him, you will surely have the best life with God on your side. 

5. Forerunner (Hebrew 6:20)
Too often we are disappointed by the people we look up to. Our role models are weak dads, dominating moms, wayward big brothers, selfish big sisters, manipulating leaders, etc. Then we got angry at the world and God. 

Take heart ! There is one who stays true to his words. There is one who does His best for our best. There is one who is perfect, blameless, sinless, wholesome and he asked us to follow his example. He run ahead of us to pave the way so we can have a relationship with God, the Father. His name is Jesus Christ. 

6. High Priest ( Hebrew 10:21 )
In the Old Testament, a high priest offered a yearly sacrifice for the people's sin. In the New Testament, Jesus is a high priest which offered one final sacrifice for the sin of all people. The final sacrifice was His body. 

7. Author and Finisher of Our faith ( Hebrew 12:2 )
Sometimes we felt that we carry such a big burden in our life, that everything depends on us. Depending on ourselves make a stressful life. We are so afraid of the wrong steps. We are even afraid of losing our salvation when we make mistakes. To avoid this self condemnation, we should remember Hebrew 12:2 : focus on Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith. 

Ah...our burden become so much lighter when we focus on Him and not on ourselves.  

picture taken from
inspired by :Meaning of numbers in the Bible,


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