Monday 25 July 2016


Who knew that an epic win started with bread and cheese? Young David did.

After Prophet Samuel anointed him, David’s life was back to normal. He tended his father’s sheep, helped around the house, had meals with his family, etc. One day, his father asked him to run an errand. 

Now Jesse said to his son David, "Take this ephah of roasted grain and these ten loaves of bread for your brothers and hurry to their camp. Also take ten pieces of cheese. Give them to the commander of your brothers’ group of 1,000 soldiers. See how your brothers are. Bring back something to show me they are all right
( I Samuel 17:17-18)

David was willing to do it.

He could say no to his father. A future king was not a delivery boy after all. But thank God he did it, otherwise he would not see Goliath the giant who cursed God’s name. Killing Goliath was a right track to his destination, being the King of Israel.

It started with bread and cheese or pain et frommage if you are fancy schamncy.     

Most of us want to have an epic moment. Most of us want to do something noble. Do we realize that doing something as small as delivering bread and cheese could be a catalyst of greatness?

After all it is said in the Bible
He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much (Luke 16:10)

I shall rephrase this verse :
-David that is faithful in delivering bread and cheese is faithful also in killing Goliath

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