Monday 25 July 2016


Who knew that an epic win started with bread and cheese? Young David did.

After Prophet Samuel anointed him, David’s life was back to normal. He tended his father’s sheep, helped around the house, had meals with his family, etc. One day, his father asked him to run an errand. 

Now Jesse said to his son David, "Take this ephah of roasted grain and these ten loaves of bread for your brothers and hurry to their camp. Also take ten pieces of cheese. Give them to the commander of your brothers’ group of 1,000 soldiers. See how your brothers are. Bring back something to show me they are all right
( I Samuel 17:17-18)

David was willing to do it.

He could say no to his father. A future king was not a delivery boy after all. But thank God he did it, otherwise he would not see Goliath the giant who cursed God’s name. Killing Goliath was a right track to his destination, being the King of Israel.

It started with bread and cheese or pain et frommage if you are fancy schamncy.     

Most of us want to have an epic moment. Most of us want to do something noble. Do we realize that doing something as small as delivering bread and cheese could be a catalyst of greatness?

After all it is said in the Bible
He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much (Luke 16:10)

I shall rephrase this verse :
-David that is faithful in delivering bread and cheese is faithful also in killing Goliath

Saturday 23 July 2016


This is the title of a quiz I found online.  Since I am fond of online quiz, especially those which revealing about personality, I was tempted to do it. Am I an emotional, a logical, a spiritual, a creative, an organized, a respectful, an ethical?

Nothing wrong about being wanted to be defined by an online quiz. It’s even amusing to post the result on my facebook wall and see people respond to it.
In the more serious mode, let’s open our Bible and see what the Bible said about the type of mind that we should have…

 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
These verses want us to have a mind which belong to Jesus Christ. A humble mind, that was. A humble mind is willing to be a servant, to be of no reputation, to be obedient…Unto death even. This type of mind is the mind which God likes.

Being humble is not easy. It’s hard. But Lord Jesus is willing to be out teacher. He said,” Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls,”

Friday 22 July 2016


1 Petrus 5:7
Serahkanlah segala kekuatiranmu kepada-Nya, sebab Ia yang memelihara kamu

Saya adalah orang yang hobi curhat. Hobi ini dimulai ketika saya duduk di sekolah menengah. Saya ikut kelompok remaja di gereja, dan di dalam kelompok ini saya diajarkan untuk being vulnerable and accountable kepada Tuhan dan sesama anggota kelompok.

Akhirnya saya malah lebih terfokus untuk vulnerable dan accountable kepada sesama anggota kelompok  daripada kepada Tuhan. Memang itu tidaklah salah, toh kita saling menjaga rahasia satu sama lain. Namun parahnya di kemudian hari, saya malah bablas, saya vulnerable kepada orang-orang yang kurang tepat.  

Inilah daftar kategori orang-orang yang kurang tepat untuk di-curhati.
1.      Anak-anak ( baik anak sendiri, anak orang lain, atau orang orang yang masih muda dan kurang matang ). Curhat kita bisa membebani anak anak yang mentalnya belum kuat.
2.      Lawan jenis terutama jika kita sudah menikah. Curhat bisa membuat hati kita berpaut dengan orang yang dicurhati. Ini membahayakan buat komitment pernikahan atau pertunangan kita.
3.      Orang yang baru kita kenal atau belum kita ketahui latar belakanganya. Pada intinya hati-hatilah untuk curhat karena rahasia yang kita bagikan dengan orang yang tidak tepat bisa jadi senjata makan tuan.

Jika ingin aman dan rahasia terjamin, psikolog, psikiater,konselor, pendeta, bisa menjadi piihan untuk curhat, karena mereka adalah profesional.  

Akhir-akhir ini, setelah beberapa kali makan asam garam dalam hal curhat, saya menyadari kebenaran Firman Tuhan dalam 1 Petrus 5:7. Tuhan ialah sumber yang paling baik untuk dicurhati. 

Mengapa ?
1.      Karena Tuhan adalah pencipta kita. Ia tahu apa yang terbaik buat kita.
2.      Karena Tuhan adalah pemelihara kita. Orang lain tidak memelihara kita. Tuhanlah sumber kehidupan.
3.      Karena curhat dengan Tuhan gratis. Bisa kita lakukan di mana saja dan kapan saja.
4.      Karena Tuhan Maha Kuasa untuk membantu kita dalam penyelesaian masalah. Manusia ada yang berkuasa , namun tentu tak sejago Tuhan.
5.      Karena Tuhan tidak akan menyalahgunakan curhat kita . Curhat  kita aman di tanganNya.
6.      Karena Tuhan mampu memberikan perubahan untuk sifat, karakter, dan perilaku kita yang kurang baik. Curhat dengan Tuhan akan membuat kita improve menjadi lebih baik.

Tak terhitung manfaat dan marifat yang akan kita dapatkan bila kita curhat dengan Tuhan. Kitab Mazmur 56:8 mengatakan ,” Sengsaraku Engkaulah yang menghitung hitung, air mataku Kautaruh dalam kirbatMu. Bukankah semuanya telah Kaudaftarkan?”

Orang lain mungkin mengosipkan, memandang rendah, mengkritik  sengsara kita secara diam-diam. Beberapa orang yang mentalnya tidak kuat bahkan jadi sakit maag karena kita curhati dengan sengsara kita. Namun Tuhan menghitung sengsara kita. Air mata yang kita curahkan ketika kita berdoa kepadaNya, tidak akan sia-sia. Tuhan akan menampungnya dalam kirbatNya.

Tuhan Yesus mampu mengubah air mentah untuk cuci kaki menjadi anggur mahal yang enak. Apakah anda beriman bahwa Ia akan mengubah air mata kita yang ditampung dalam kirbatNya untuk menjadi sesuatu yang luar biasa?

Silahkan dibuktikan sendiri !

Thursday 21 July 2016


Proverbs 18:21
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. (NIV)
The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences. (NLT)

Yeah, yeah, I know this verse. It means  I shouldn’t gossip. I shouldn’t say bad things about others (even though they are). I shouldn’t curse others ( loudly ). I shouldn’t label my kids negatively. And the list go on and on.
So far, I always connect this verse with others. But today, another lamp in my head clicked. What if I connect this verse to myself?

1.     How many times I speak badly about myself ?
Oh how stupid of me ! (cursing myself)
Oh God, I look like a fat cow in this dress (say bad thing about myself)
I am so sorry that I acted like a b#@^* ( label myself negatively)
Well, forgive me. I am a forgetful person (another negative label)

2.     Speak kindly to myself?  Well, self pamper  is a good thing. I do it, and to be honest I always feel better after a good manicure or a cup of nice coffee or a trip to massage parlor. The next time, I do something bad like forgetting something or wearing a dress that doesn’t look good on me, I will do my best to speak kindly of myself .

Sorry about this…I’ll do better next time !
This dress does not look good on me. Let me find a better one.
This dress does not fit me anymore. It’s time to go to the gym.
I am so sorry that I spoke rudely to you. I am in the process of training my mouth.

3.     Saying positive things to myself.  If as parents, we are advised to speak positive things to our kids, should we train ourselves to speak positively about ourselves? Sure enough.

When I stand in front of my mirror, I will not ask the mirror whether I am the fairest of all. I will define myself as my God define me. I am His beloved child. I am His bride. I am the apple of His eye. I am chosen by God. I am forgiven by God. I am a friend of God.

Those words I will say loudly to myself. Because my tongue can bring death or life. I will surely speak nicely, kindly, positively to myself to reap a good consequences of having a better self.

If my God created the whole world by the words of His mouth,  I will follow His example of creating my own world ( myself , my family, my workplace, my temper, my character, my personality, my thinking , etc ) by speaking positively . After all, I was created in His image.