Monday 9 May 2016

Mother's Day Celebration

Mother’s day came early for the moms in ICC Michigan. 
We celebrated it on Saturday, May 7thIt was a bright day. 
The weather was nice, the sun was shining and the flowers were blooming.

The families went to Brody Square dining hall, a cafeteria at MSU, 
where lunch were served buffet style.

For this event, the moms sat separately from the dads and kids. 
The moms were happy for they were surrounded by their family 
(although at different seating), 
good friends and good food, especially desserts.

Besides having their tummy full, their hearts were also filled with spiritual food, 
spoken by Ibu Hanna Sudirgo from Toronto. 

Meanwhile, Pastor Joe Sudirgo who sat with the dads and kids, 
also shared his experience about being a husband.
After lunch, the fellowship was continued at Suandi and Rini’s house. 
The moms were very grateful for this wonderful day.
Thanks to husbands who made this event possible. 
Thanks to Pastor Joe and Ibu Hanna for sharing and mentoring the families
Thanks to Rini and Suandi for helping to organize the event and opening their home

by: Sandra Nursilo
thanks Lydia Yosephine and Pungki Riadi, for the photos, and David Yuan, for taking pics.

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