Friday 29 April 2016


It’s meal time. Your spirit is hungry for some real food. You’ve been reading some self help books. You’ve been practicing some noble ideas. You are loved by your family and friends, but nothing can substitute the relationship you have with your Creator. No love letters can satisfy enough the deepest longing inside yourself.

Your spirit crave for culinary delight of the Word of God

how sweet are your words to my taste,psalm 119:103

Jeremiah 15: 16 said: When your words came, I ate them. They were my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, Lord O God Almighty.

solid food is for the mature, hebrew 5:14

Let’s open the Bible and have a big meal, or an appetizer or a snack! You eat what you can, no preassure. Food is food. Big portion or small, T-bone steak or lentil soup, apple or orange, God’s Word is good for your soul.

If you are not the reading kind, that’s okay. Some people are picky eaters, they have small appetite. They eat anyway. It’s the same with the Word of God. Eat (read) anyway. Eat  slowly in small portion.One verse a day, keep the malaise away!
For the ear tests words, as the palate tastes food, Job 34:3

Here are some tips to enjoyable Bible reading!
1.  Read the Bible out loud ( especially when you are sleepy )
2.  Gossip magazines readers might find unbelievable scandals in Genesis and Judges                                   
3.   If you like advice columns, read Proverbs
4.   Statistic freaks may like the book of Numbers
5.   Poetry galore in the book of Psalm, Job, and Lamentation
6.   If you like apocalypse themes, Revelation is the book for you
     7.   For those hopeless romatics, your Prince Charming is four books away at Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. He's Lord Jesus who saves you, dear damsel in distress
8.   If you are obsessed to make list, then Bible reading can be your thing. Pick a nice notebook. Rewrite your favorite Bible verses with your favourite pen. 
9.   Pray that Holy Spirit will make you understand what you read
10. Practice the beautiful principles you found in the bible
Bon Appetitte! God bless you

                                                                                             photos by : Leina Wang and Audy Tjong

Monday 25 April 2016


😊 A happy heart makes a face cheerful but heartache crushes the spirit ( Proverbs 15 :13 )

😰 When the righteous cry for help the Lord hears and delivers them out of their troubles ( Psalm 34:17 )

😤 In your anger do not sin, do not let the sun go down while you are still angry (Ephesians 4:26)

😶 About this we have much to say and it’s hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing ( Hebrew 5:11 )

💰 You cannot serve God and money (Matthew 6: 24)

😵 For God is not a God of confusion but of peace ( 1 Cor 14:33 )

😥 Come to me, all of you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28)

😷 Even a fool when he keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is considered prudent ( Proverbs 17:28 )

😚 Whoever gives an honest answer kisses the lips (Proverbs 24:26)

😴 💤 I lay down and slept, I woke again for the Lord sustained me (Psalm 3:5)

Monday 11 April 2016


Dear Hopeless Christian, how are you ? I hope you are doing well.
I want to share a picture of the things which we have discussed.

There are four steps which we have to climb one by one. This is a process. You cannot go the the third step without passing the first and the second ones. Remember this is not instant.
The first step is where we value God in our life. We magnify Him, we remember Him and His work in our lives. After we do that, let’s move on.

The second step is where we give thanks to God. Why we give thanks to Him? Because we remember Him and His goodness and His work. Let’s jump higher now.

The third step is where our imagination are positive. Is it possible to have a positive imagination in such negative world ? Yes it is, if we are thankful to God and value Him.

The fourth step is our aim, a good heart, a brightened heart.

What is a good heart? A heart which is sensitive to God. A heart which is in tune with God is like a cellphone that can get a WIFI signal.  You will live gloriously if your WIFI connection is strong.
A good heart won’t happen by itself or by coincidence like a good healthy body won’t happen by itself. The owner of a body must eat nutricious food and exercise. A good heart will happen when we value God, we are thankful to God, and we have a good imagination.  

What is the benefit of having a good heart or a heart which is sensitive to God or a heart which is in tune of God? So many benefits.

For me personally, because I am in tune of God, I have peace in my heart. A peace which proceeds all understanding just like the Bible said in Phillipians 4:7. The peace is one of the indicators whether I follow God’s direction or not. If I don’t feel peaceful about something, I will not do it.

Second benefit is I have perfect wisdom. Not just a wisdom which I got by studying or learning but a wisdom which given spiritually by my Creator. I have the mind of Christ as it is said in 1 Corinthias 2:16.  

Third benefit is the practical guidances of everyday life. A personal friend of mine said he tried everything to build his business. The result was 20 % loss. His wife said he should bring Jesus daily in his business. So in the second year he prayed to Jesus before making decisions. He also prayed to God and discuss business matter with Him in his daily prayer. After doing that, he got 47 % gain in his business.

I also found my first and second house by the guidance of God, by being sensitive and in tune with God. He guides me in daily life. My dear Hopeless Christian, I hope what I wrote will make you pursue God more seriously. Life is hopeful when you walk with Him everyday. And remember the 4 steps. When you climb the steps one by one, you will achieve what you desire. You will have a God-filled life (which is the reason why you wrote the letter to me ).

In Christ,
Ibu Berlian Bijaksana
(inspired by Andrew Wommack's book : Discover the Keys to Staying Full of God)