Monday 15 August 2016



1. Sandals

Jesus wore sandals. Not moccasin, toms, boots, sneakers, wedges, hi-tops, etc. Take advantage of the summer which is almost over to be able to wear a pair, if you want an authentic Jesus life style. Hopefully the sandals are on sale these days. 

2. Seamless coat

Coats now have seams and edges, but Jesus’ coat was seamless, woven from the top throughout. It was very sturdy, it couldn’t be ripped out by several strong Roman soldiers. I have no idea how this was possible, but one thing I am sure, it must be expensive. It’s the Armani of his days, and that makes me proud because my savior dressed in quality. 

3. Fish

Jesus was into omega 3 before people knows about it. His miracle meals had fish in them. 5 Loaves and 2 fish. Eating fish after the resurrection. Cooking fish for breakfast by the lake. I guess that was Jesus favorite food.  Want to have Jesus palate, have some salmon tonight. 


Jesus drank wine. He was accused as drunkard. His first official miracle was changing water into wine. While research agrees that red wine is good for our hearts, it’s important to drink it in moderation. Cheers. 


When Jesus was hungry, he didn’t grab a bag of chips or a piece of candy. He went for figs. Luckily, in his days those snacks had not been invented. Yet, if we copy his lifestyle, our body will be thankful to us. So, try some fresh or dried figs if you are hungry. Please do not curse if you can’t find them. Just buy them online. Costco or Whole Food may have the fresh ones and the dried ones are available in most grocery stores. 

6.1.       Woodworking Tools

Before Jesus going full time in ministry, he might be a carpenter. His stepfather, Joseph, was a carpenter and in the olden days, the children followed in the father’s footsteps. So, it is logical to assume that Jesus knew how to work with tools.

7. Donkey

Donkeys are the rides in Jesus’s days. Mother Mary rode one when she was pregnant with baby Jesus. Jesus rode one when he entered Jerusalem. If you want a full fledge Jesus lifestyle, go to the donkeys.  There is a donkey farm in Mattawan, Michigan. 

Thursday 11 August 2016


taken from
Once upon a time God used animals to function as prophet, evangelist, caterers and pastor. First he called the fish. 

“Fish, there is a man named Jonah, who does not obey me. Why don’t you do something to make him repent?”

“At Your service , God!” answered  the fish

So the fish swam near a boat which was heading to Tarsus. On that boat, a curious thing happened.  A man was hurled into a raging sea. That man was Jonah. The fish swallowed him up immediately. Jonah stayed inside the fish for three days Then Jonah prayed to God from the belly of the fish. He repented from his disobedience.

“Fish, vomit him to the dry land! Jonah already said sorry to me!”

“No problem, God!” said the fish

Jonah was saved from his disobedience. A city full of sinful people was saved by Jonah’s preaching. Thanks to the fish and of course, to God !
Another time, God called a donkey to do an evangelism task.
“Hey donkey, talk to your master Balaam to stop him beating you !“

“My pleasure, God!” answered the donkey. “It’s not fun to be a punching bag!”

Donkey’s speech saved Balaam from his reckless path which lead to death. Thanks to the donkey and of course, to God!
Next, it was the ravens’ turn to be called as His caterers.
“Ravens dear, bring some food to a hungry person who hid in Kerith Valley near a brook,”

“Your wish is our commands, O God,” said the ravens

The ravens took turn bringing bread and meat for Elijah. Elijah was fed twice a day, mornings and evenings by the ravens for a period of time. Thanks to the ravens and of course, to God! Last but not least, God called a rooster to be a pastor.

painted by Sandra Nursilo
“Hey rooster. I need you to crow loudly after a certain man lied three times about him not knowing my Son,”

“Sure, O God!” said the rooster

When the rooster crowed, Peter was reminded that he denied Lord Jesus for three times. At first he felt condemned, then he repented. Thanks to the rooster and of course, to God!

“I prefer to move human’s heart to do my will on earth. Once in a while, it’s nice to use the animals. They are more obedient for sure. Also, they don’t attract so much attention to themselves. The people whom they served were not worshipping them back. All in all, I will do whatever it takes to save the people.  I am using animals, humans even my own Son to do it,” said God lovingly.
(Sabatini Chen)


taken from
Once upon a time God used animals to function as prophet, evangelist, caterers and pastor. First he called the fish. 

“Fish, there is a man named Jonah, who does not obey me. Why don’t you do something to make him repent?”

“At Your service , God!” answered  the fish

So the fish swam near a boat which was heading to Tarsus. On that boat, a curious thing happened.  A man was hurled into a raging sea. That man was Jonah. The fish swallowed him up immediately. Jonah stayed inside the fish for three days Then Jonah prayed to God from the belly of the fish. He repented from his disobedience.

“Fish, vomit him to the dry land! Jonah already said sorry to me!”

“No problem, God!” said the fish

Jonah was saved from his disobedience. A city full of sinful people was saved by Jonah’s preaching. Thanks to the fish and of course, to God !
Another time, God called a donkey to do an evangelism task.
“Hey donkey, talk to your master Balaam to stop him beating you !“

“My pleasure, God!” answered the donkey. “It’s not fun to be a punching bag!”

Donkey’s speech saved Balaam from his reckless path which lead to death. Thanks to the donkey and of course, to God!
Next, it was the ravens’ turn to be called as His caterers.
“Ravens dear, bring some food to a hungry person who hid in Kerith Valley near a brook,”

“Your wish is our commands, O God,” said the ravens

The ravens took turn bringing bread and meat for Elijah. Elijah was fed twice a day, mornings and evenings by the ravens for a period of time. Thanks to the ravens and of course, to God! Last but not least, God called a rooster to be a pastor.
painted by Sandra Nursilo
“Hey rooster. I need you to crow loudly after a certain man lied three times about him not knowing my Son,”

“Sure, O God!” said the rooster

When the rooster crowed, Peter was reminded that he denied Lord Jesus for three times. At first he felt condemned, then he repented. Thanks to the rooster and of course, to God!

“I prefer to move human’s heart to do my will on earth. Once in a while, it’s nice to use the animals. They are more obedient for sure. Also, they don’t attract so much attention to themselves. The people whom they served were not worshipping them back. All in all, I will do whatever it takes to save the people.  I am using animals, humans even my own Son to do it,” said God lovingly.
(Sabatini Chen)

Monday 1 August 2016

Salah Lagu

Saya pernah salah kostum. Waktu itu ada acara party di sekolah. Sementara teman teman memakai baju kasual seperti jeans dan t-shirt, saya malah memakai rok panjang dan blus motif tooh hound warna hitam. Walaupun dengan tampil beda, sepertinya kekuatan mental saya dilatih, namun sejujurnya salah kostum itu bikin perasaan saya tidak enak sekali.
Lagu rohani adalah salah satu alat untuk menyembah Tuhan dan memotivasi diri sendiri. Namun kita harus hati-hati juga memilih lagi yang tepat untuk dinyanyikan pada saat tertentu. Salah lagu bisa berakibat fatal.
Berikut adalah contoh salah lagu

1.      Pikiran yang suicidal jangan dinyanyikan lagu :
Dalam rumah Bapaku banyak tempatnya,
terdengar suara Yesus yang merdu;
Dia pergi ke Neg’ri t’rang sorga yang baka,
menyediakan tempatmu dan tempatku.

2.      Saat persembahan , kurang tepat jika menyanyikan lagu:
Ku tak membawa apapun juga
Saat ku datang ke dunia
Ku tinggal semua pada akhirnya
Saat ku kembali ke surga

3.      Orang yang sedang berduka cita, jangan diajak menyanyikan lagu 
Mari kita bersukaria
Karena ini hari bahagia

4.      Jika ada orang yang datang kepada kita untuk minta pertolongan, dan kita sanggup membantunya, janganlah menyanyikan lagu ini:
 Kupandang wajahMu dan berseru
Pertolonganku datang dariMu

5.      Jika hutang kita sudah jatuh tempo, dan kita mampu melunasinya, janganlah menyanyikan lagu Kristian Stanfill ini kepada pihak yang kita hutangi:
Cause Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe, Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow
7. Ketika diajak teman untuk melihat vegetable garden-nya yang ia pelihara sepenuh hati, janganlah keluar lagu ini dari mulut anda. Jika anda ingin bersaksi kepada para pedagang di pasar, jangan anda menyanyikan lagu ini kepada mereka.
Sayur kubis jatuh harga,
pohon tomat kena hama,
dan jualanku tidak laku,
butir padi tak berisi,cengkeh pun tidak berbungasampar ayam pun berjangkit,
kar’na terpaksa aku jual.
Namun aku puji Tuhan
dan bersorak sukaria,
kar’na Dia Pohon s’lamatku!

 7.      Untuk orang yang selalu menjadi doormat dan sedang dimotivasi supaya bangkit keberaniannya untuk speak up, lagu ini bisa dipakai untuk menghambat kemajuannya …jadi kurang cocok untuk dinyanyikan kepada orang jenis ini.

Kasih itu lemah lembut
Sabar sederhana Kasih itu murah hati Rela menderita 

Bagaimana dengan anda, pernahkah anda salah kostum atau salah lagu ?